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Pea microgreens taste much like full-grown peas and are known for being sweet, like snow peas. They're full of vitamins that are anti-inflammatory and boost cardiovascular health....
Sunflower microgreens have the deliciously nutty flavor of raw sunflower seeds with the texture of spinach.
Radish microgreens add a fresh, crunchy, and spicy flavor to your foods. They have a pleasant peppery flavor similar to that of root radishes, but not as quite strong.
Broccoli microgreens actually have a slightly bitter taste, thanks to the sulforaphane in them. They contain a high level of vitamin C which boosts your immune system.
The greens are high in calcium iron and potassium and very low in calories. With a slightly bitter taste and a broad flat leaf microgreen
Microgreen beet seeds have a mild, spinach-like flavor. Intensely purple stems and bright green leaves that are even more nutrient-dense than mature beets!
Sweet-hot mustard flavor, zestier than regular mustard greens
They have a peppery taste and spicy flavor.